Elyssa B. Margolis, PhD
Home publications funded projects
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R21DA057522 (PI) NIDA
07/01/2023 – 06/30/2025
A highly opioid responsive VTA projection to the dorsal endopiriform nucleus

R01DA008863 (MPI with Devi & Puthenveedu, subaward) NIDA
2/01/2023 - 1/31/28
The role of the VTA-lateral habenula circuit in opioid mediated behaviors

R01DA008863 (MPI with Devi, Fricker, & Wacker, subaward) NIDA
07/01/2023 – 06/30/2028
Enhancement of the endogenous opioid system by ketamine

Painless Research Foundation
1/1/2022 – 12/31/2023
Opioid responsive circuits in the lateral habenula

R21DA051208 (PI) NIDA
03/01/2021 – 02/28/2024
Resolving differences between clinical opioids at single neurons

R01AA026609 (PI) NIAAA
09/10/2018 – 06/30/2024
Understanding endogenous opioid drive of alcohol consumption


R01DA042025 (PI) NIDA
09/01/17 - 06/30/22
The role of the VTA-lateral habenula circuit in opioid mediated behaviors

Sponsored Research Agreement
BlackThorn Therapeutics

Wheeler Center for the Neurobiology of Addiction
11/01/15 - 10/31/16
Ventral tegmental area extrasynaptic GABAA receptor role in ethanol reward

R01DA030529 (PI) NIDA
01/01/11 - 11/30/15
Heterogeneity of Ventral Tegmental Area Neurons and Opioid Reward

5P50AA017072-08 (PI of subaward) NIAAA, Alcohol Center for Translational Genetics (ACTG) Center Grant
11/01/14 - 10/31/15
Ventral tegmental area extrasynaptic GABAA receptor role in ethanol reward

5P50AA017072-04 (PI of subaward) NIAAA, Alcohol Center for Translational Genetics (ACTG) Center Grant
05/01/10 - 04/30/12
VTA Mechanisms involved in stress-induced ethanol consumption

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